Medium & Genre

Unknown Artist: Handmade Wooden Dreidel, LBI Art and Objects Collection, 2010.53
Abstract works meet still lifes. Sculptures stand next to paintings and etchings. There are more than a hundred mediums and genres to express the arts.
- Abstract works
- Accessories
- Advertisements, German, 1960-1970
- Albumen prints
- Albums
- Allegories
- Alphabet books
- Aquatints
- Architectural drawings
- Architectural photographs
- Archival materials
- Artists' books
- Artists' illustrated books
- Assemblage (sculpture technique)
- Badge
- Banners
- Bas-reliefs (sculpture)
- Bildungsromans
- Biographical sources
- Board games
- Book covers
- Book design
- Book design, United States
- Book jackets
- Book jackets, United States
- Bookplates
- Books
- Botanical illustrations
- Bowls
- Brooches and clips
- Cabinet cards
- Caps
- Caricatures
- Cartoons
- Cartoons (Commentary) German
- Casts (sculpture)
- Ceremonial objects
- Ceremonial textiles
- Certificates
- Chamois (animal material)
- Charcoal drawings
- Children's books
- Cityscapes
- Clippings
- Cloth bindings (Binding)
- Clothing and dress
- Coins
- Commemorative medals
- Concert posters
- Containers
- Correspondence
- Crayon drawings
- Culinary equipment
- Culinary molds
- Cultural artifacts
- Cups (drinking vessels)
- Cut-paper works
- Death Masks
- Dog tags
- Drawings
- Drypoints
- Eclipses
- Educational games
- Embroidery
- Endpapers (Binding)
- Engravings
- Etchings
- Ethnic stereotypes, 1920-1930
- Etrog containers, 20th century
- Exhibition posters
- Facsimiles
- Fashion illustrations
- Fashion prints
- Figurines
- Fobs
- Furnishings and equipment
- Genealogical tables
- Gothic fiction
- Gouaches
- Graphite drawings
- Greeting cards
- Group portraits
- Hallah covers
- Handkerchiefs
- Hanukkah lamps
- Headgear
- Heads
- Horror tales
- Identifying artifacts
- Illustrated books
- Illustrated children's books
- Information artifacts
- Ink drawings
- Interior design
- Jewelry
- Kiddush cups
- Knives
- Lace (needlework)
- Landscapes
- Legends
- Lighting fixtures
- Linocuts
- Lithographs
- Manuscripts
- Medals
- Medical equipment
- Menorahs (temple lamps)
- Mezuzah cases
- Mezzotints
- Military decorations
- Miniatures (paintings)
- Mixed media
- Monotypes
- Necklaces
- Noir fiction
- Numismatics
- Objects
- Oil paintings
- Paintings
- Paintings, Reproductions
- Pamphlets
- Pastels
- Pen-and-wash drawings
- Photograph albums
- Photographs
- Photogravures
- Plaque (flat objects)
- Plaques (flat objects)
- Playing cards
- Poetry
- Political cartoons
- Political posters
- Portfolios
- Portraits
- Postcards
- Posters
- Posters, Genre
- Posters, German, 1900-1910
- Posters, German, 1910-1920
- Posters, German, 1920-1930
- Posters, German, 1930-1940
- Posters, German, 1940-1950
- Posters, German, 1950-1960
- Posters, German, 1960-1970
- Printed ephemera
- Printing blocks
- Printing blocks (printing surfaces)
- Printing plates
- Prints
- Proclamations
- Psychological fiction
- Purses
- Quill pens
- Relief prints
- Reliefs
- Reproductions
- Ribbon bars
- Ribbons
- Rings
- Saucers (plates)
- Sculpture
- Seals
- Seals (artifacts)
- Self-portraits
- Set design drawings
- Shoes
- Silhouettes
- Silk bindings (Binding)
- Silver gelatin prints
- Sketchbooks
- Snuffboxes
- Stamps (tools)
- Standing cups
- Steel engravings
- Stickpins
- Still lifes
- Studs (buttons)
- Suitcases
- Swindlers and swindling
- Tableware
- Tefillin bags
- Tempera
- Tempera paintings
- Textiles
- Title pages
- Tools and equipment
- Torah ornaments
- Toys and games
- Trading cards