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Biographical/Historical Information

Arnold Zweig was a German writer and anti-war activist, born in Glogau (Glogow, Poland) on Nov. 10, 1887. Zweig volunteered to serve in the German army during World War I, and as a result he became a pacifist. In 1920, he worked with Hermann Struck to publish "Das ostjüdische Antlitz". Zweig also supported Zionism and was interested in psychoanalysis, corresponding with Sigmund Freud for many years. In 1933, he went from Czechoslovakia, to Switzerland, and then to France before settling in Haifa. Zweig returned to Germany in 1948 and served as a member of the East-German parliament, a delegate to the World Peace Council, and president of the GDR Academy of Arts in Berlin from 1950 to 1953. Arnold Zweig died in East Berlin on Nov. 26, 1968.

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Arnold Zweig, Leo Baeck Institute, F 3522.