Biographical/Historical Information
Bogumił Dawison (1818–1872) was a German actor, born in Warsaw to Jewish parents. He went on the stage at the age of nineteen. In 1839 he received an appointment to the theatre at Lemberg in Galicia. In 1847 he played in Hamburg with marked success, and from 1849 to 1854 he was a member of the Vienna Burgtheater. He also became connected with the Dresden court theatre. He was considered one of the outstanding actors of his time, performing the works of Shakespeare, Goethe and Molière. His chief parts were Mephistopheles, Franz Moor, Mark Antony, Hamlet, Charles V, Richard III and King Lear. Bogumił Dawison died in Dresden in 1872.
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Unknown Artist: Bogumił Dawison in the role of Richard III, Leo Baeck Institute, 78.112.