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Biographical/Historical Information

In 1912, the Jewish congregation in Mainz consecrated a new, main synagogue. It was one of three Mainz synagogues destroyed during Kristallnacht in 1938.

Sali Levi was born in Walldorf (Baden) in 1883. After studies in Breslau and in Erlangen, he was an ordained rabbi and served as a chaplain on Germany’s eastern front during WW I. In 1918, he became the last rabbi in Mainz before WW II. Sali Levi died in Berlin in 1941.

The painter and graphic artist Hans Kohl was born in Mainz in 1897. He studied at the Academy in Munich from 1915 to 1923 and then worked primarily as a portraitist in and around Mainz. He also became well known for two early portfolios, “Das goldene Mainz” (“Golden Mainz”); and "Magenza -5 Radierungen aus dem Jüdischen Mainz" (“Magenza – five etchings from Jewish Mainz”). Hans Kohl died in Hambach in 1990.

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Kohl, Hans: The Main Synagogue : Magenza, Jewish Mainz, Leo Baeck Institute, 78.1833a.