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Biographical/Historical Information

The philologist and professor of Germanic languages, Rudolf Tombo Jr. was born in Barmen, Germany in 1875. He immigrated with his family to New York as a child where his father Rudolf Tombo was an instructor in German at Columbia. Tombo Jr. earned his PhD in 1901 and then became an associate professor of Germanic languages at Columbia University and director of Columbia’s Deutsches Haus. Rudolf Tombo Jr. died of pneumonia in New York in 1914.

Hermann (Chaim Aaron ben David) Struck was born in Germany in 1876. He is best known as a master etcher, lithographer and early Zionist. He studied for five years at the Berlin Academy and in 1908 wrote "Die Kunst des Radierens" (The Art of Etching), while mentoring artists such as Marc Chagall, Max Liebermann and Lesser Ury. His art was included in an exhibition at the Fifth Zionist Congress and he helped establish the religious Zionist movement called Mizrachi. Struck was an orthodox Jew but believed that culture and religion could thrive cooperatively in the Land of Israel. He emigrated to Haifa where he created an artistic community and participated in the development of the Tel Aviv Museum and the Bezalel art school in Jerusalem. Hermann Struck died in Haifa in 1944.

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Struck, Hermann: Prof. Tombo, New York, [circa 1913], Leo Baeck Institute, 2007.23.