Biographical/Historical Information
Jacob Judey Barosin was born in Latvia but grew up in Berlin. He attended the Berlin Academy of Art, studied art history at the University of Berlin and earned his Ph.D. in art history from the University of Freiburg. In 1933, he and his wife Sonia immigrated to Paris, where they were arrested and sent to the internment camp in Gurs in 1943. They were freed by French authorities and went into hiding until their liberation in 1944. Three years later, they immigrated to the United States. Barosin's career in the US started as an illustrator for NBC television. He also illustrated the Jewish family bible, painted 18 life-size prophets and had numerous one-man shows exhibiting in the United States as well as in Israel. His original sketchbook of Gurs is part of the permanent collection of Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
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Barosin, Jacob Judey: Cuba : Raul Castro and Fidel Castro, Leo Baeck Institute, 2006.67.