Biographical/Historical Information
Fritz Pretzfelder was born Jan 5, 1878 in Nuremberg, son of the hops dealer Ferdinand Pretzdorfer and his wife Louise nee Rothschild. On March 1, 1912, Pretzfelder married Clara Kruger in Vienna. They had one son, Hans Georg Pretzfelder. In 1926 Fritz Pretzfelder acquired an old established glass manufacturing business in Spiegelau in Bavaria (Germany), which he developed into a world renowned company. The Nazi regime forced Fritz and Clara Pretzfelder out of the country and they emigrated to Great Britain, where Fritz Pretzfelder changed his name to Frederick Preston. The couple returned to their company in Bavaria after the war. He died in their home in Spiegelau on June 17, 1959.
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Unknown Artist: Portrait of Frederick Preston (Fritz Pretzfelder), Leo Baeck Institute, 2009.018.