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Biographical/Historical Information

The poster refers to the Reichstag election of 1928. From autumn of 1928 onward, the NSDAP and DNVP undertook a large-scale smear campaign. The target of most of their attacks was Gustav Stresemann. Stresemann was the founder of the German People's Party (1918), and he served as the Reich Chancellor from August-November 1923 and then as Foreign Minister from November 1923 until his death in October 1929. Regarding the content of the poster: "Betrayal of South Tyrol" is an allusion to Hitler's joining forces with Mussolini. "Leiber" are the members of the Royal Bavarian Infantry Leib Regiment. Reich School Law: various attempts to reorganize the school system, which was not adequately regulated by the Weimar Constitution. General Epp: member of the NSDAP since 1928. General von Lettow-Vorbeck: commander in German East Africa during the World War, General of the Reichswehr in 1919, participant in the Kapp Putsch, MdR in the faction of the German Nationals 1928-1930.

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