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Biographical/Historical Information

General Ludendorff, Hitler, and their followers attempted to overthrow and occupy the Munich ministries on November 9, 1923 in an event that became known as the Beer Hall Putsch or the Munich Putsch. State Commissioner General Gustav von Kahr and Reichswehr General von Lossow, who were initially with this coup, withdrew at the last moment and alerted the Reichswehr and the police. The police halted the marchers with gunfire in front of the Feldherrnhalle, with sixteen marchers killed. Hitler is arrested, sentenced in spring 1924 to five years' imprisonment in a fortress (the legal minimum sentence), and released on parole in December 1924. Ludendorff is acquitted, on the terms of being a "November criminal".

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Proklamation, Leo Baeck Institute, r (f) DD 232.5 A7 1963 [II.25].