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Staff exodus

German Zionists lose another trusted leader to emigration

“Mr. Friedman has carried out all tasks assigned to him with dedication by far exceeding the ordinary and with unflagging diligence.”


The Zionist Federation of Germany was in a tricky position. While it supported the emigration of Jews from Nazi Germany, it struggled with the consequences of constantly losing capable staff members, especially on the leadership level. Nevertheless, Benno Cohn, member of the Federation’s executive board, generously supported yet another departing colleague with a deeply appreciative letter of recommendation. Rudolf Friedmann had been associated with the Zionist Central Office since 1933 in various capacities, serving it with the utmost diligence and dedication. Cohn praises his organizational abilities and ideas and warmly recommends Friedmann to any Zionist or other Jewish organization.



Leo Baeck Institute – New York | Berlin


Willy Nordwind Collection, AR 10551


Box 1, folder 1


on the days before